Mahogany Honduran "The Tree" OOS


 Honduran Mahogany


from "The Tree"
Botanical Name:(Swietenia Macrophylla)

Also know as Tropical Mahogany, South American Mahogany, Caoba and Chiculte Honduras Mahogany grows from north of the Yucatan, throughout Venezuela and Brazil, in Columbia, Peru, and Bolivia. Mahogany is lighter in weight than rosewood, koa, or maple. In spite of its weight, mahogany yields a strong loud sound with a quick response and an emphasis on warm, round midrange.

Limited sets available, please call for availability and shipping quotes (with insurance). We currently have all the sets listed here even though it shows as sold out.

These sets were cut from wood purchased from Handloggers in the late 70's.

 A letter from the lumber supplier is available.


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