Some of our favorite builders and inlay artists. 
If you would like your site listed here please contact us.

Rushmore Custom Guitars Burner Guitars Chris Ensor
Craig Lavin Dave Nichols East Virginia Guitars
Howard Klepper Huss & Dalton JJ Donohue
James Guitars Jay Lichty John How
Joel Stehr Guitars John Osthoff Kinnaird Guitars
Kraus Guitars Laurent Brondel Luis Feu Mesquita
Michael Collins Peter Pii Randy S. Muth Guitars
Sterner Guitars Fred Tellier Guitars Waddy Thomson Guitars
Woody Brackett Guitars O’brien Guitars Red Rocks Lutherie
Propsom Guitars Bailey Custom Guitars Cornerstone Guitars
OC Bear Guitars ED Luthier Inlay Design Studio
Whetstone School Blanchard Guitars Lelito Guitars
Woolson Soundcraft Yamamoto Guitars Anderson Guitars
Woods Cove Guitars
Ken Miller Guitars Josh Williams Guitars
Hasty Guitars Lagan Lutherie School ARC Guitar
Great Owl Guitars Gordon Guitars Andy Martin Guitars
Brock Acoustics Stephen Hill Fortenbery Guitars

Looking for a guitar or Luthier? At Guitarmaker Direct,  you will find custom handmade guitars for sale
directly from the guitar maker.Check out the
Lagun Lutherie School
Expert tuition at LLS comes from luthier Sam Irwin.
An easy way to move from a
‘standard’ or store bought guitar to a custom guitar.